
J Sachs.png

Jeffrey D. Sachs


University Professor at Columbia University, is Director of the Center for Sustainable Development at Columbia University and President of the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network.

Putin's war against Ukraine has united America and its allies, but there's no reason to think that righteousness will bring an end to bloodshed. The history of conflicts has made clear that compromise is the only safe option, writes Jeffrey D. Sachs.

15 March, 2022

Opinion: The US should never have been in Afghanistan in the first place. But once there it should have fostered a more stable and prosperous Afghanistan by investing in its people, writes Jeffrey D. Sachs.

19 August, 2021

Comment: Intellectual property must serve the global good, rather than humanity serving the interests of a few private companies, writes Jeffrey D. Sachs.

03 May, 2021